Gunther (c) vs. Jey Uso For The World Heavyweight Championship
Gunther starts things off with a Running Boot. Jey uppercuts Gunther. Chop/Forearm/Haymaker Exchange. Gunther slaps Jey in the chest. Jey with rapid fire bodyshots. Jey transitions into a corner mount. Gunther puts Jey on the top turnbuckle. Gunther chops Jey to the floor. Gunther has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Jey is throwing haymakers at Gunther. Jey with a deep arm-drag. Gunther blocks The SuperKick. Gunther with a Falling Lariat for a two count. Gunther cranks on Jey’s neck. Gunther bodyslams Jey. Gunther with a blistering chop. Gunther kicks Jey in the face. Second Chop/Forearm Exchange.
Uppercut Exchange. Jey with a straight right hand. Gunther answers with a reverse hammer throw into the turnbuckles. Gunther with a knee drop. Gunther stomps on Jey’s face. Gunther applies The Sleeper Hold. Gunther fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Gunther and Jey are trading back and forth shots. Jey ducks a clothesline from Gunther. Jey with The Samoan Drop. Jey plays to the crowd. Gunther blasts Jey with The Shotgun Dropkick. Gunther PowerBombs Jey for a two count. Gunther stomps on Jey’s chest. Gunther is choking Jey with his boot. Gunther kicks Jey in the face. Third Chop/Forearm Exchange.Jey goes for the long range uppercut, but Gunther counters with The Big Boot. Jey with a Spinning Enzuigiri. Gunther with The Release German Suplex. Jey SuperKicks Gunther for a two count. Jey avoids The Shotgun Dropkick. Jey nails Gunther with The Running Hip Attack for a two count. Jey ascends to the top turnbuckle. Gunther is lighting up Jey’s chest. Jey blocks The SuperPlex. Jey with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Gunther kicks Jey in the gut. Gunther goes for a PowerBomb, but Jey counters with a Hurricanrana. Jey Spears Gunther for a two count. Jey SuperKicks Gunther. Jey delivers another spear. Jey connects with The Uso Splash for a two count. Jey goes for The Spear, but Gunther counters with Two PowerBombs to pickup the victory.
Winner: Gunther
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Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Saturday’s Night Main Event > 2025 > January 25th