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Saturday Night Main Event Results – January 25th, 2025

Saturday Night Main Event Results – January 25th, 2025

Gunther (c) vs. Jey Uso For The World Heavyweight Championship

Gunther starts things off with a Running Boot. Jey uppercuts Gunther. Chop/Forearm/Haymaker Exchange. Gunther slaps Jey in the chest. Jey with rapid fire bodyshots. Jey transitions into a corner mount. Gunther puts Jey on the top turnbuckle. Gunther chops Jey to the floor. Gunther has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Jey is throwing haymakers at Gunther. Jey with a deep arm-drag. Gunther blocks The SuperKick. Gunther with a Falling Lariat for a two count. Gunther cranks on Jey’s neck. Gunther bodyslams Jey. Gunther with a blistering chop. Gunther kicks Jey in the face. Second Chop/Forearm Exchange.

Jey goes for the long range uppercut, but Gunther counters with The Big Boot. Jey with a Spinning Enzuigiri. Gunther with The Release German Suplex. Jey SuperKicks Gunther for a two count. Jey avoids The Shotgun Dropkick. Jey nails Gunther with The Running Hip Attack for a two count. Jey ascends to the top turnbuckle. Gunther is lighting up Jey’s chest. Jey blocks The SuperPlex. Jey with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Gunther kicks Jey in the gut. Gunther goes for a PowerBomb, but Jey counters with a Hurricanrana. Jey Spears Gunther for a two count. Jey SuperKicks Gunther. Jey delivers another spear. Jey connects with The Uso Splash for a two count. Jey goes for The Spear, but Gunther counters with Two PowerBombs to pickup the victory.

Winner: Gunther

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Digitals > Saturday’s Night Main Event > 2025 > January 25th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Saturday’s Night Main Event > 2025 > January 25th

WWE RAW Results – January 20th, 2025

WWE RAW Results – January 20th, 2025

Main Event” Jey Uso addresses World Heavyweight Champion Gunther

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his way to the ring through the crowd. Michael Cole wildly dances at ringside. Uso shakes hands with him when he gets to ringside. The packed crowd at the American Airlines Arena are on their feet. The WWE crew gets great shots of the crowd dancing with Jey Uso.

Jey Uso is set to face Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship this Saturday on Saturday Night’s Main Event. An advertisement for the match has a reverse image of Jey Uso, showing his glasses as saying “TEEY.” Uso says, “‘Main Event’ Jey Uso is now in your city!” This weekend at Saturday Night’s Main Event, he’s taking home the big one

World Heavyweight Champion Gunther’s music hits, and the Ring General makes his way to the ring. Gunther stands across the ring from his opponent this Saturday. Gunther wants to guess that the next thing Uso will say is that he will win the World Heavyweight Championship. Uso says he was going to say he was going to beat Gunther, take the title, and hang it up in his room. Gunther says Uso is a really “funny little man.” Gunther says he was looking forward to facing Uso on Saturday Night’s Main Event after he refocused himself… until today when he saw Uso walking in acting like a complete dork. Uso was acting like a company mascot for the crowd. At this point, it doesn’t matter to Gunther. Gunther could just as well be challenged by Jimmy Uso. Uso warns him not to say anything about his brother. Gunther says it doesn’t matter what Uso says because he never follows up with his words. The people are naive enough to believe every word he says, but Gunther isn’t. Uso shows up whenever someone whistles, like his brother, cousin, and Cody Rhodes. All it means is Uso is a “useful idiot.” Uso’s words and actions do not align. Gunther’s do. Gunther holds up the title and says, “On Saturday, when the bell rings, I’m going to expose you for the flash in the pan who has no business being this close to the World Heavyweight Championship.”

Uso looks fired up and upset. The crowd chants, “YEET!” Uso says Gunther is right again. Everything that came out of Gunther’s mouth is true. Uso is a mascot… and the crowd is his team. They’re his squad because they ride with him, slide with him, and on Saturday, they’ll be with him when he beats Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship (YEET). Uso told Gunther that he respected him, but Gunther will respect him as well. Only one of them is standing in the ring that main-evented WrestleMania, and it’s not Gunther.

An irate Gunther punches Uso down and stomps him. Gunther pulls him to his feet and rocks him with a forearm. Uso quickly takes Gunther down and punches away at him. Gunther tries to grab him, but Uso punches away at him. Uso knocks him out of the ring with a superkick. Uso picks up the World Heavyweight Championship and holds it up. Gunther pulls off his jacket and is furious. Uso lays the title down near the ropes and challenges Gunther. Gunther gets on the apron but soon gets down and takes the title with him.

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Digitals > WWE RAW > 2025 > January 20th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE RAW > 2025 > January 20th


WWE RAW Results – January 13th, 2025

WWE RAW Results – January 13th, 2025

World Heavyweight Champion Gunther is walking backstage. He’ll be out next.

World Heavyweight Champion Gunther addresses the crowd

World Heavyweight Champion Gunther says last week’s Netflix debut was a monumental moment. He was impressed but less impressed with the performances in the ring. Gunther wishes they could have a roster that fulfills those high expectations. Everyone is fighting over a personal drama. Who is the Head of the Table? Who is the Best in the World? Who cares! The only prize worth fighting for is the World Heavyweight Championship.

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his way to the ring to a big reception. Uso says he wants to step up to Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship. Drew McIntyre is behind him. The Bloodline family drama is behind him. It’s just him now. Uso challenges Gunther to a World Heavyweight Championship match at Saturday Night’s Main Event. Gunther wants to make sure Uso is serious about this. Uso leads the crowd in shouting, “YEET!” Gunther smirks and says he admires his courage. He’d be naive if he thought he could hold the title forever, but Uso is even more naive to think he could take it from him. Gunther wants him to really understand this. They’ve wrestled for the Intercontinental Championship twice, and Gunther beat him twice. Uso is capable of a whole lot less than Gunther is. Uso is funny and entertaining, but when the bell rings, Gunther will expose him for what he is: a really talented tag team wrestler. Uso isn’t on his level. “Main Event” is just a nickname for Uso. Main Event is the place Gunther belongs. Gunther tells him to stick to his YEET and stay out of the championship business. Saturday Night’s Main Event is fine with him, but the choice is up to Uso.

Gunther walks off, and Uso looks conflicted. Uso tells Gunther to hold up. Uso respects Gunther. Everything Gunther said is true. Uso says he wakes up every morning betting on himself because he’s still trying to earn respect. At Saturday Night’s Main Event, Gunther will respect him when he beats his ass for the World Heavyweight Championship. Uso leads the crowd in a loud “YEET!”

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Digitals > WWE RAW > 2025 > January 13th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE RAW > 2025 > January 13th

WWE RAW Results – January 6th, 2025

WWE RAW Results – January 6th, 2025

World Heavyweight Champion Gunther says he’s heard people say this is a new era. This is a new era for everyone else, but not for him. All the personal problems and emotional outbursts mean nothing. Gunther is still the place where dreams, hopes, and ambitions go to die. Gunther is the light at the end of the tunnel because he holds the prize they all want. He is the World Heavyweight Champion. He is “The Ring General” Gunther.

Related Links:
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE RAW > 2025 > January 6th

Saturday Night Main Event Results – December 14th, 2024

Saturday Night Main Event Results – December 14th, 2024

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match: Gunther (c) vs. Damian Priest vs. Finn Balor

The match starts with Damian and Gunther pinballing Finn Balor around the ring until they turn on each other and begin throwing hands. Gunther falls to the outside. Priest hits a big dive to the outside as we head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Priest is dominating Balor in the ring. Gunther comes from out of nowhere to blindside both men. Gunther chops Priest to the canvas and locks in a submission. Balor slaps Balor and both men trade blows. Finn comes back with a Pele kick. Both men get leveled by Priest who hits a double clothesline. Priest and Gunther trade chops. Priest knocks Gunther to the mat. Balor eats a series of forearms from Priest. Priest delivers running back elbows to Gunther and Priest. Gunther tries to fight back but Priest turns it into a rope-walk crossbody. Priest hits a Flatliner on Balor for a nearfall.

Priest and Gunther try to trade Powerbombs but before either man can pull one off, Balor hits both men with Slingblades. Gunther locks Balor in a Sleeper. Priest kicks Balor. Balor and Gunther fall over into a nearfall for Balor. Gunther locks Priest in a Rear Naked Choke. Priest powers out and goes for a Chokeslam but Gunther fights out. Priest comes back with a Chokeslam. Balor comes back and hits Priest with an Eye of the Hurricane. Balor climbs to the top rope. Gunther stops Balor from attempting Coup De Grace. Gunther goes for a Suplex, Priest recovers and gets Gunther into a Razor’s Edge. Balor hits Gunther with a Coup De Grace and covers but Priest breaks up the pinfall. Priest counters a Razor’s Edge with a rollup for a nearfall. Priest hits a Chokeslam on Balor but Gunther stops him from capitalizing. Gunther chokes out Priest outside the ring and then powerbombs him onto the steel steps. Gunther gets back in the ring and hits Balor with a Dropkick. Gunther hits Balor with a Powerbomb for the pinfall.

Winner & still World Heavyweight Champion: Gunther

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Digitals > Saturday’s Night Main Event > 2024 > December 14th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Saturday’s Night Main Event > 2024 > December 14th

WWE RAW Results – December 9th, 2024

WWE RAW Results – December 9th, 2024

Gunther comes down to the ring, and he calls out Finn Balor, saying Saturday Night’s Main Event won’t end the way Survivor Series did. Finn comes out with The Judgment Day and says Gunther is right, it won’t end the same way, because Survivor Series ended with Gunther retaining because of Finn, and SNME will end with Gunther losing the title because of Finn. Gunther says Finn isn’t as good as him, and he never will be, which prompts The Judgment Day to surround the ring, enter, and attack. Damian Priest’s music hits and he comes out to help Gunther fight off The Judgment Day, but he’s overpowered and takes a Coup de Grace.

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Digitals > WWE RAW > 2024 > December 9th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE RAW > 2024 > December 9th